Easily access and analyse all lessor unsecured bonds

Unsecured bonds are a major funding source for investment grade lessors, with approximately $109 billion outstanding. Their refinancing needs over the next 2-3 years are a major challenge and opportunity for the aircraft leasing industry and its bankers.

With this in mind, the release of The Lessor Analyst’s dedicated Unsecured Bonds feature couldn’t have come at a better time.

Within seconds you can now see the closing price, yield, spread and maturity dates for all lessor bonds, as well as other key metrics.

The Lessor Analyst is the only single-source platform that gives you easy access to all lessor unsecured bonds’ data, ABS data, lessor financials and portfolio ratings, all in one place.

Request your personalised demonstration today.  ➡️ 


Greater insight and significant workflow efficiencies

As well as being able to easily compare yields across different instrument types, the addition of our Unsecured Bonds feature means you can see all refinancing instruments available without having to source and collate data from multiple sources, saving you significant time.

Critically, you can benefit from having the future maturity dates of all lessor bonds at your fingertips, enabling you to:

  • Easily identify the refinancing risk/opportunity 
  • Efficiently estimate the impact of replacing new bonds at a higher coupon price.

No other source gives you such a comprehensive view. Enabling you to efficiently access, compare and analyse all financing instruments available.

Complete the form to speak to an account manager and see how you can benefit ➡️ 


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your personalised demonstration

About Airfinance Journal

With a portfolio of advanced aviation data analytics tools and an experienced global reporting team, we provide solutions that enable market participants to underpin investment decisions, find new investment opportunities, improve their competitive edge, save time and grow business.

As a market-leading intelligence resource for the global aviation finance industry for more than 40 years, we provide the latest news, insightful analysis, league tables, and proprietary aviation data covering fleets, deals, airlines’ financials,  and relative ratings of the airline financial strength. 


Our product suite includes:


Airfinance Journal News & Analysis, The Airline Analyst, The Lessor Analyst, Airline Financial Ratings, Deal Tracker and Fleet Tracker.