The risk function is at the heart of everything within a bank. Despite being a resilient asset class, post-Covid, aviation is perceived as high risk, with many senior managers requiring greater justification when lending to potential clients in this sector.

Airfinance Journal’s portfolio of high-value solutions enables you to enhance your due diligence whilst identifying and taking advantage of the opportunities within the sector. Request your personalised demonstration today >>


Why Airfinance's solutions?

  • Analyse and understand the business, financial and industry risks faced by potential aviation clients.
  • Identify financing and re-financing opportunities.
  • Efficiently and effectively make up-to-date, like-for-like, comparisons between relevant airlines and lessors.
  • Create compelling propositions with reliable data.
  • Benchmark performance and risk levels across the market.


Our portfolio of high-value solutions

We’re dedicated to streamlining many of the aviation risk analysis and market analysis workflows, whilst enhancing due diligence. Speak to an account manager to see how you can benefit from:

  • Easy access to the financial and operational performance data of significantly more airlines than any competitor – 300+ and growing
  • Latest Twelve-Month (LTM) financials, updated the moment released – always have access to the latest financial information
  • Easily compare LTM across airlines or lessors – not so easy to do manually or via competitor sources 
  • Spread calculations covering much wider of ratios – significant time saving
  • Unrivaled view of the aviation leasing market – 100+ lessor and leasing entities
  • The only single-source view of the leasing market, including the first and currently only, lessor portfolio risk ratings tool.

Complete the form to request your personalised demo today. ➡️

Source:  Airfinance's The Airline Analyst and The Lessor Analyst.

Request your personalised Demo

About Airfinance Journal

With a portfolio of advanced aviation data analytics tools and an experienced global reporting team, we provide solutions that enable market participants to underpin investment decisions, find new investment opportunities, improve their competitive edge, save time and grow business.

As a market-leading intelligence resource for the global aviation finance industry for more than 40 years, we provide the latest news, insightful analysis, league tables, and proprietary aviation data covering fleets, deals, airlines’ financial,  and relative ratings of the airline financial strength. 

Our product suite includes:

Airfinance Journal News & Analysis, The Airline Analyst, The Airline Analyst API, The Airline Analyst Financial Ratings, Deal Tracker, Fleet Tracker.